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Before We Wrap Up 2023

Stephen Hopkins

It has been a consistent and regular practice of mine the last several years to take the week between Christmas and the New Year as a week of reflection, planning, and prayer.  So much of life is lived with our noses an inch from the canvas trying to touch up and perfect small details in the daily rhythms of life. Maybe this is a lesson I've learned...close up, it's easy to fret when the lines aren't ideal, but take a step back and the errors aren't even noticeable. 

So this week, I like to take a few steps back from the canvas and survey what the Lord has been painting while I've been touching up the lines. It's a fairly simple practice and is scalable based on the amount of time available.  If I can fast around the time I do it, I find my mind's a bit clearer and my focus a little sharper.  Personally, I'd recommend some version of this in your own life. Make the time, open up a journal or blank sheet of paper, and write some of this down. 

Alright, so there's essentially three parts to this. And because I wanted them to be a bit more memorable, I made them rhyme. And regardless of life stage or what's happened, it's helpful to just sit these questions or categories and allow the Lord to do whatever it is that he wants to do with you there. There's a few categories that I generally evaluate too: family, financial, vocational, physical, and personal (this being the final, catch all category for my life which includes all of my life with God). 

REFLECT: What was good in the last year? When did I feel most alive? What was hard? What worried me in the moment over the last year, but has been resolved? Were there any themes from my work or life this last year in which God is leading or directing me?

PROJECT: What is the Lord inviting me into this year? Is there anything he wants me to know or to do? Where would I like to be this same time next year? Is there a theme or word he has for me this year? 

PROTECT: What decisions do I need to make this year? What do I need to cut out of my life or schedule? Is there any part of my life that I need to simplify? What do I need to add in to my daily, weekly, or monthly routines? Are there any changes to my rhythms and lifestyle that are required? 

There's no inherent magic in this.  And if I don't get it all perfect, that's not the biggest deal.  But I do find that my life works better when I'm purposeful in writing this out.  It's one thing to want or wish for something.  It's another to write it down.  That great Proverb is a guide to me: "Without a vision, the people perish..." (Proverbs 29:18).

For me, this whole thing will take several hours (usually spread over several days).  But regardless of how much time you have, I'd encourage you to make a little time to at least do these three things: reflect, project, protect.  I'm about willing to guarantee you can find 15 or 30 minutes this week to do it. 

I hope you've found this helpful - let me know how I can help.  Praying for you all today!

Make a great day, 



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