Mark Twain is alleged to have said, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes."
I was talking to an old high school coach of mine once I moved back to Kingsport. I asked him how things were going with the school He said: ah, the names and faces change, but it's all the same story.
At one level, most of us sense the truth in this. The particulars and details and fine points change but the story so often looks the same.
As we journey through the story of Daniel, I was reminded again of this truth. He didn't have an easy road. And though the specific details change, there is a notable pattern that emerges: 1) There is a conflict or tension that emerges. 2) Daniel is faced with a choice - will he respond in Faith? Trusting God to bring resolution? Or will he take matters into his own hands and try to achieve a good end for himself? 3) He chooses faith and humility. 4) He gets promoted.
In many ways, that's the story of our lives isn't it? We all face conflict and tension (sometimes big and sometimes very small). And our choices in response to the presenting problems determine the course of our lives. It's just that so often, we think it's up to us to secure good for our future. As the thinking goes, if we don't, who will?
If the story of Daniel shows us nothing else, it's that he illustrates this truth that Jesus taught:“For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (Matthew 23:12, NIV)
This week, we consider Daniel's situation...he's got a different King; and he's in a different city. But the city's under siege by a foreign empire (again) and the King has a horrifying vision that needs Divine interpretation (again). In so many way's it's the same song, but a different verse. Will Daniel rise to the occasion again? Well, you could go read for yourself...which is very ok, and I'd certainly encourage that. Or you can join us this week as we continue our series on YouTube, Resolutions, Ep. 4: Promotion goes live on Sunday morning.