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Today, you will change: Why I'm doing TRANSFORM 7

For the last 8 years or so, I've made it a point to read through the Bible over the course of the year. There's no real magic in that. I just believe regular and consistent Bible reading is a valuable discipline and I'm too obsessive-compulsive to not do something like "read the Bible in a year".

As it happens, I've been in Jeremiah the last few days. There's some really memorable and uplifting parts...Hobby Lobby has made a small fortune on Jeremiah 29:11 - “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

But, to be honest, most of it doesn't leave me feeling particularly...good. There's a lot of righteous judgment and poor Jeremiah is largely ignored. But today, I had something of a realization.

We tend to think of a "prophet" as someone who is predicting the future. And while prophecy may carry something of that sense in the Bible, far more often it simply means someone who is speaking the Truth. I was struck by the response of the people to Jeremiah. He gives one message - just the plain and simple truth. The message itself isn't encouraging and more or less demands radical change in the hearers. It isn't something they want to hear. Some of the listeners respond positively - they receive the hard truth with humility and begin to make the necessary changes. Others respond negatively - they reject the hard truth and do what they want.

Frankly, this is just human nature. All of us have been here at different times. It's easy to sit in denial and self-deception if the Truth before us isn't something to our liking.

I remember when one of my daughters was sick (and I knew it). I had a full day and them missing school meant a major inconvenience to my schedule. I re-checked her temperature a dozen times trying to convince myself (and her), "It wasn't so bad really. You could probably go to school, right?" Eventually, I came to my senses and accepted reality.

But maybe the Truth before you looks a little different:

My diet is not good because I have an unhealthy relationship with food.

I don't take good care of my body and if I don't make changes now, I'll be in a really bad position in 20-years.

I am impatient with the people closest to me because I over schedule myself at work.

The reason I never have enough money is because I overspend on things I don't really need.

I am apathetic about the most important things in my life: my faith, my family, my career while I'm rabidly passionate about my favorite College Football team.

You get the idea I think.

The truth is that, today, you will change. Every day from now until you die, you will change. Some of that change is good. Some is not. Some of that change is intentional. Some is not. There is much in life that you will be unable to control. But to varying degrees, you have agency in how much and what kind of change you will experience in life.

TRANSFORM 7 is a 7-week challenge designed to help men in the Tri-Cities pursue holistic transformation (spirit, soul, and body). Registration includes: a 7-week guidebook with daily, truth-centered reflections to help change our thinking & mindset; a general nutrition and fitness plan; a weekly group workout to encourage and keep you committed; daily challenges to push you out of your comfort zone; an exclusive weekly teaching on one of our 7 core areas of transformation; and, most importantly in my opinion, a community of like-minded men pursuing transformation with you.

A clear vision of who God calls you to be coupled with small disciplines done consistently can produce unimaginable results.

I recently came across this great line, "If you are afraid of what strong men can do, you should be terrified by what weak men are capable of doing." In my own weakness, I am capable of inflicting significant pain, violence, and evil on the people closest to me, those I'm charged with guiding in Love and leading with Strength. But in being transformed by God's grace, and receiving his strength to become the man he made me to be, I'm capable of stewarding that strength for Good in the world.

For me, TRANSFORM 7 is about intentionally pursuing positive, Christ-centered change in my life. I've personally benefitted by similar experiences in the past. And I'm excited to be one of the coaches bringing this unique experience to the men of the Tri-Cities region. If you're interested, feel free to check out the website here and reach out if you've got any questions.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to joining some of you on this TRANSFORM 7 journey.


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2 comentarios

robert saunders
robert saunders
28 ago 2023

Great premise. And you are spot on with the realization of the truth and the fact that every day we are changing and how we respond to those changes affects us and those around us. The Transform 7 group is a great group with a solid mission using the gifts God has given each to do what you do best. Great job..

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Stephen Hopkins
Stephen Hopkins
29 ago 2023
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Thanks Robert - we're looking forward to it!

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